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Do we give enough attention to the burdens that too much regulation can place on the economy?

This morning a Senate committee held a hearing to ask whether building the Keystone XL pipeline from the Canadian oil sands to Gulf Coast refineries in the United States is in the national interest.

The extraordinary increase in production from the U.S. oil and natural gas industry has been one of the biggest stories of the last few years – and about the only consistently good economic news the nation has seen since the bottom nearly fell out of the economy in 2008.

Earlier today the American Petroleum Institute offered several constructive proposals to the SEC suggesting ways it can re-write its rules to support transparency while also protecting investors from harm.

Governors explain energy regulation

Posted: September 13, 2013 by Ken Cohen

The George W. Bush Institute held a thoughtful conference on energy regulation yesterday in Dallas. I was particularly struck by the panel discussion featuring governors from two states that know a thing or two about energy production.

Policies matter too

Posted: August 29, 2013 by Ken Cohen

“If you want to understand how to create jobs – not just a few at a time, but hundreds of thousands at once – look to Texas and North Dakota,” writes Derek Thompson in The Atlantic.

  • Worth a deeper look...