EnergyFactor By ExxonMobil | Pespectives has a new home

Global Trade

The significant recent increase in U.S. oil production represents by far the largest addition to world oil supplies over the last few years from any nation on the planet.

A recent take on trade economics in the The Washington Post gets the basic principle about the trade balance right.

The extraordinary increase in production from the U.S. oil and natural gas industry has been one of the biggest stories of the last few years – and about the only consistently good economic news the nation has seen since the bottom nearly fell out of the economy in 2008.

Though Alaska has long been considered a leading energy-producer, it hasn’t been regarded as a key part of the current, largely shale-driven supply revolution that is creating a new era of American energy abundance. That could soon change.

International trade emerged as one of the salient issues of 2013, particularly with regard to commercial flows of energy products such as natural gas, coal, and oil.

International trade negotiations are sure to be in the news in 2014, so we will be hearing a lot about “trade balances.” But do we know what that term really means, and how the underlying economic realities of a trade imbalance might affect us?

  • Worth a deeper look...