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Energy Security

We all know that production of oil and natural gas has soared in the United States over the last few years. But there’s one place where production actually has dropped: on federal lands. A new government report reveals that production from federal lands – including coastal waters – reached a ten-year low in 2012.

Last week the White House announced its intention to make America “a magnet for jobs and manufacturing so we continue to build things the rest of the world buys.” One way to advance that worthy ambition – and to give the overall economy a much-needed lift – would be for the Obama administration to give…

The national discussion on the export of liquefied natural gas (LNG) is raising several important issues with policymakers, and the American Council for Capital Formation (ACCF) recently assembled a roundtable of economic experts to clarify some of them. In publishing a transcript of that discussion, which it did yesterday, ACCF makes a significant contribution to…

My previous post discussed the abundance of natural gas brought on by energy production from shale and other so-called unconventional sources. This new energy paradigm offers tremendous economic and environmental benefits to the American people. It can also help the United States advance its global trade and diplomacy aims. National Security Advisor Tom Donilon spelled…

What a difference a decade makes. That’s the thought crossing my mind this week as thousands of delegates meet in Houston for the 17th International Conference and Exhibition on Liquefied Natural Gas, better known as LNG 17. The conference is the world’s premier LNG event, bringing together industry leaders, government figures, academics and others to…

Late on Friday, the U.S. Senate passed an amendment urging approval of the Keystone XL pipeline by a vote of 62-37. Critics were quick to note that the Senate’s action won’t green light the pipeline. Since authority for approving the pipeline rests with President Obama, they argue, the vote was symbolic. Move along, nothing to see here. Just because it was symbolic, however, doesn’t mean it’s not significant.

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