EnergyFactor By ExxonMobil | Pespectives has a new home

Reducing Emissions

Managing climate risk

Posted: March 31, 2014 by Ken Cohen

All energy sources, including carbon-based fuels, are necessary to meet future global energy demand growth as society manages climate change risks.

Lately a couple of news stories have really helped drive home the ways in which our current energy revolution is benefiting the United States – from improving the environment by reducing emissions to driving economic growth and strengthening American energy security.

ExxonMobil just released our annual Outlook for Energy, which we use to guide our long-term business decisions. We also make the Outlook public to help policymakers and other stakeholders understand the global energy and economic trends.

Recently there has been media interest in how large corporations like ExxonMobil address the potential for new regulations addressing climate change risk when drawing up future business plans. In light of this, I thought the most helpful thing would be to share our corporation’s view on the topic.

U.S. energy-related carbon dioxide emissions dropped to levels not seen since 1994, when Forrest Gump filled the nation’s movie theaters. A key reason for the decline: natural gas from shale.

A forum on Capitol Hill highlighted the energy security benefits of expanding global LNG trade by way of U.S. natural gas exports.

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