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In finalizing its proposed offshore oil and gas leasing program covering the years 2012-2017 recently, the Obama administration announced it was advancing the president’s “directive to continue to expand safe and responsible production of America’s important domestic resources.” But a closer look at the plan’s details makes one wonder where the expansion is.

NPR had a good piece Wednesday morning about the state of the economic recovery in the United States. What really stood out was its treatment of the transformative role played by the American oil and gas industry in driving economic growth and job creation. Among the guests on the Morning Edition segment was Zanny Minton Beddoes of The Economist, who highlighted the role of American shale oil and gas development. Beddoes said it “is completely revolutionizing part of the U.S. economy, and it’s a strength that a lot of other advanced economies haven’t got.”

Our nation’s political leadership routinely calls on companies across the country to invest in America. Turns out some companies are already doing a pretty good job of it, spurring economic growth and supporting job creation along the way – particularly in the U.S. energy industry.

American politics has a long and colorful history of hyperbole and exaggeration. Even still, the fact we are entering the thick of another campaign season shouldn’t give license to politicians to stretch the bounds of truth too far. That’s why it’s so disappointing to see campaign advertising from the president of the United States single out a leading American company with a claim that doesn’t hold water.

  • Worth a deeper look...