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Rather than focusing on how to make government rulemaking faster, the White House would do well to spend time considering the overall burden of new regulations on the economy.

EPA officials probably wouldn’t admit it, but the agency’s action last Thursday would seem to confirm industry’s contention that state and local authorities are better equipped to handle the regulation and monitoring of hydraulic fracturing than the federal government.

The nationally syndicated public radio program The Engines of Our Ingenuity is a great show, which is why I was particularly pleased that it recently addressed a topic much in the news these days but one not always well understood by the public: hydraulic fracturing (aka fracking).

Administration officials have stated a commitment to streamlining permitting for big infrastructure projects. But at the same time some of our nation’s most important projects have been stuck in a regulatory holding pattern. As these projects have languished, so have the jobs, economic activity and tax-revenues that would be unleashed if Washington were true to its word.

  • Worth a deeper look...