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When the Department of Energy panel on hydraulic fracturing released its 90-day report on shale gas production, I mentioned a few areas of concern. But one finding from the report where we can agree is the importance of disclosing the composition of fluids used in the hydraulic fracturing process.

Phil Mickelson on a milestone in education

Posted: August 23, 2011 by Phil Mickelson

Athletes often count success by milestones. For golf and tennis players, it’s winning the Grand Slam; for baseball pitchers, it’s achieving 3,000 strikeouts; for hitters, it’s reaching 3,000 hits (a milestone we just saw Derek Jeter reach). What if we celebrated milestones in education with the same enthusiasm with which we celebrate achievement in sport?

News outlets have been covering ExxonMobil’s request for a court to review the U.S. Interior Department’s rejection of plans to develop our Julia oil discovery in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico. I don’t plan to argue the case here. What I do want to talk about today are the headlines about a significant oil discovery and the questions from media and others about why we didn’t trumpet it from the rooftops when we made the find several years ago.

During these challenging economic times, there are plenty of facts and figures to show how the U.S. oil and natural gas industry is creating jobs and economic opportunity across the United States. But just as powerful, I think, are the real-life stories from where the job growth is actually taking place. And it’s happening in places you might not expect.

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