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Celebrating actions that unite us

Posted: November 21, 2011 by Suzanne McCarron

At a time when the scale of the world’s challenges may seem to divide people, a recent United Nations event provided a welcome opportunity to celebrate the actions that can unite. On Nov. 8, the United Nations Foundation hosted its Global Leadership Awards in New York City. I had the opportunity to attend this event, which brings together leaders from government, industry, and the arts to celebrate cooperative efforts to improve global health and eradicate poverty.

Pipeline politics hurt U.S. jobs

Posted: November 11, 2011 by Ken Cohen

Washington, D.C., has once again decided to put the short-term jobs of politicians ahead of the long-term needs of U.S. workers. The latest bit of evidence comes from the State Department’s decision to stop progress on the Keystone XL pipeline – one of the most important updates to America’s energy infrastructure in decades.

For those who are following the debate in this country on shale gas development, as I am, today’s column by David Brooks in the New York Times is a must read. In balanced terms, Brooks summarizes the future energy and economic potential of America’s enormous shale gas endowment – and the current debate surrounding its safe and responsible production. The benefits of shale gas development in terms of economic growth, job creation and energy security are without question, as he points out. The only question is whether our political leaders will permit these benefits to be realized.

To hear the opponents of the Keystone XL pipeline project, you might think this was the first pipeline to be built in the United States, and the first built to carry crude oil from Canada to the United States. While critics and protestors try to portray the Keystone XL pipeline project as something new and unnecessary, it’s simply not true. There are thousands of miles of pipeline carrying Canadian oil from Canada to the United States, and for good reason: Canada, by far, is the largest supplier of imported oil to the United States.

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