EnergyFactor By ExxonMobil | Pespectives has a new home

Energy Technology

EPA officials probably wouldn’t admit it, but the agency’s action last Thursday would seem to confirm industry’s contention that state and local authorities are better equipped to handle the regulation and monitoring of hydraulic fracturing than the federal government.

The nationally syndicated public radio program The Engines of Our Ingenuity is a great show, which is why I was particularly pleased that it recently addressed a topic much in the news these days but one not always well understood by the public: hydraulic fracturing (aka fracking).

Last week the White House announced its intention to make America “a magnet for jobs and manufacturing so we continue to build things the rest of the world buys.” One way to advance that worthy ambition – and to give the overall economy a much-needed lift – would be for the Obama administration to give…

One month after Mayflower

Posted: May 6, 2013 by Karen Tyrone

Karen Tyrone, vice president of ExxonMobil Pipeline Company, is coordinating ExxonMobil’s efforts in Mayflower, Arkansas, to clean up the spill site. (Overall cleanup operations are being led by a Unified Command, which includes federal, state and local officials, as well as ExxonMobil.) I’ve asked Karen to give an update on the Mayflower cleanup. – Ken…

What a difference a decade makes. That’s the thought crossing my mind this week as thousands of delegates meet in Houston for the 17th International Conference and Exhibition on Liquefied Natural Gas, better known as LNG 17. The conference is the world’s premier LNG event, bringing together industry leaders, government figures, academics and others to…

“14 Questions” answered

Posted: April 10, 2013 by Ken Cohen

Following the regrettable pipeline spill in Mayflower on March 29, ExxonMobil has been working with federal, state and local authorities to provide frequent updates on the status of the cleanup and response operations. The Unified Command Joint Information Center, which includes the EPA, Arkansas Department of Health, Faulkner County and ExxonMobil Pipeline Company, has provided…

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