EnergyFactor By ExxonMobil | Pespectives has a new home

Energy and the Economy

For the third year in a row the Progressive Policy Institute has assembled its list of “Investment Heroes” – those companies it salutes for investing in America’s future. And for the third year in a row, what stands out is the significant contribution to America’s economic future being made by the energy industry.

Energy is one of the American economy’s few bright spots. That’s the conclusion of a new analysis of employment trends put together by Raymond James Financial Inc.

A forum on Capitol Hill highlighted the energy security benefits of expanding global LNG trade by way of U.S. natural gas exports.

For the full potential of proposed chemical industry investment to be realized, government agencies have to do their part – particularly when it comes to permitting.

As recently as 2011, North America and Western Europe each produced the same amount of basic chemicals and plastics: about 30 million tons apiece. When it came to petrochemical production, the two regions were matched fairly evenly. But not for long. By 2020, North American output will more than double to 70 million tons, while in Europe it will shrink by fully one-third.

Governors explain energy regulation

Posted: September 13, 2013 by Ken Cohen

The George W. Bush Institute held a thoughtful conference on energy regulation yesterday in Dallas. I was particularly struck by the panel discussion featuring governors from two states that know a thing or two about energy production.

  • Worth a deeper look...