EnergyFactor By ExxonMobil | Pespectives has a new home

Energy and the Economy

International trade negotiations are sure to be in the news in 2014, so we will be hearing a lot about “trade balances.” But do we know what that term really means, and how the underlying economic realities of a trade imbalance might affect us?

Lately a couple of news stories have really helped drive home the ways in which our current energy revolution is benefiting the United States – from improving the environment by reducing emissions to driving economic growth and strengthening American energy security.

ExxonMobil just released our annual Outlook for Energy, which we use to guide our long-term business decisions. We also make the Outlook public to help policymakers and other stakeholders understand the global energy and economic trends.

A former World Trade Organization official has pointed out one area of unfair trade practices that could use some attention by the White House – and it is sitting right in front of Obama administration officials.

A big component ExxonMobil’s investments in the workforce of the future is the alliance we are building with Gulf Coast education institutions to offer job training in a variety of energy- and chemical-related technical fields.

News stories about hydraulic fracturing often highlight unsubstantiated statements of activists opposed to the practice regardless of the scientific evidence undermining their position. It’s good to see the Obama administration rejects those views.

  • Worth a deeper look...