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All Posts from September, 2014

A free trade tour de force

Posted: September 12, 2014 by Ken Cohen

The case for free markets has seldom been made as forcefully or as eloquently as it was this week by Larry Summers.

To help understand the current controversy over Common Core, check out Bill Bennett’s op-ed in today’s Wall Street Journal.

It turns out that methane emissions have been falling during the shale revolution, and not just by a little.

Above-the-fold on Page 1 of The New York Times is valuable media real estate, which makes two stories from the September 9 issue all that much more meaningful.

Has it been five years already?

Posted: September 5, 2014 by Ken Cohen

In 2010, the president vowed to double exports by 2015. With the deadline approaching, why aren’t we closer to meeting that goal?

Regulators say criticisms of seismic surveys don’t hold water.

  • Worth a deeper look...