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All Posts from April, 2014

Texas just recorded its highest daily oil production since 1986, representing 35 percent of daily U.S. output.

Do we give enough attention to the burdens that too much regulation can place on the economy?

The sad truth is that even in 2014, malaria threatens the lives of nearly half of the people on earth.

CO2 emissions are at levels not seen since the mid-1990s, when our nation’s economy and our energy demand were considerably smaller. That’s profoundly good news.

An Earth Day lesson

Posted: April 22, 2014 by Ken Cohen

We’re making significant progress in our collective effort to protect the environment, government data show.

The federal government spends a lot of money each year on a variety of energy programs and tax expenditures – $19.8 billion in 2013, according to the Congressional Budget Office. So who gets what?

  • Worth a deeper look...