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Newsflash: U.S. oil and gas industry is not on the ballot

Here we go again. As the mid-term elections draw near, politicians are again targeting America’s oil and gas industry for attack in hopes of scoring points with voters. You could be forgiven for thinking that energy companies are actually on the ballot!

One effort is apparently being orchestrated by New York Democratic Party leaders. This effort targets our industry and claims we are the beneficiary of special tax breaks. The facts say otherwise. As I wrote in my post on July 13, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the industry’s 2008 income tax expenses (as a share of net income before income taxes) averaged 53.2 percent, compared to the average of 32.2 percent for the S&P Industrial companies. Some tax break.

Another effort is being mounted by the Democratic majority leaders in the House and includes ads airing in several districts across the country suggesting that certain candidates are undeserving of support because they accept campaign donations from oil and gas companies.

The fact is, America’s oil and gas industry is not on the ballot this November – our elected representatives and their challengers are. And the issue foremost on many American voters’ minds is not campaign contributions or industry taxes, but the state of our economy – something our industry is working hard to help improve.

Besides providing the fuel for the vehicles we drive and the power for the electricity we use, the U.S. oil and gas industry accounts for more than $1 trillion, or about 7.5 percent, of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product, and supports more than 9 million full- and part-time jobs in the United States.

Americans are accustomed to seeing the oil and gas industry maligned by politicians. That’s not new. What may be news for many is the extent to which our industry contributes to our nation’s economic growth and job creation. Isn’t that the real issue this election campaign should focus on?

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